Shaykh Yusuf da Costa: The month of Ramadan
One of the interesting things of the forms of worship that Allah (ﷻ) has sent us is their variety. Our worship takes various forms; such as praying, paying Zakah, fasting, Hajj, making dhikr, reciting Qur’an, supplications, and most probably others also. Thus, one is able to approach one’s Lord through any individual form of worship or through combinations of such forms. Sometimes some forms have built in requirements of other forms. In the salah itself for example, we recite Qur’an and make dhikr. The salah itself is referred to as supplication and consists of a combination of movements accompanied by adhkar. All very interesting! Hajj especially, its rights and ceremonies take different forms. And so all of these forms of worship or aspects of them, indicate the variety of approaches to our Creator. Perhaps the one that stands out as very special because it consists of primarily one feature is