Shaykh Yusuf da Costa: Celebrating Allah’s (ﷻ) Praises
On many occasions I think of the massive potential that each one of us has to help in the spread of Islam in this country, especially the spread of congregational adhkar. Alhamdu lillah, wherever we have gone, Allah (ﷻ) has granted us success. It is seldom that we receive negative reports with regard to our work. There should be in each one of us the deepest gratitude that Allah (ﷻ) is using very ordinary citizens to spread the celebration of His Praises. So many times I express gratitude, and I want us to push aside our ailments and our ages to spread this work. I also have a dream or perhaps it is a very deep desire that Allah (ﷻ) should provide for us the means of drawing every single Muslim in this country into the celebration of His Praises. We should get away from all those things that we