Shaykh Yusuf da Costa: Knowing thy Lord
During my travels overseas, especially Lefke, and also some personal experiences I had with people, it is one of the most amazing facts that the banner of Islam today is being raised high by those whom we call reverts. It is quite true that these people have reverted back to the state in which they were born. This is a state of Fitrah. All people are born with this; a state in which they accept the unity of God. This means that when they recite Shahadah after having gone through a period in their lives of disbelief or another religion, then such recital is in fact a reversion back to their previous pure state. One is always amazed at the teachings of Islam on these matters, teachings which always prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the truth of this religion. Islam teaches that when non-Muslims recite Shahadah, all their