Shaykh Yusuf da Costa: Letters to Seekers on the Spiritual Path (Volume 1)
Foreword THE LETTERS in this collection are some of the letters I have written to the murids in South Africa over the last few years. Most of them concern matters that arose with or among the murids. In many cases, I would use such a matter to explain one or other Islamic teaching or an understanding of such a teaching in terms of my very limited comprehension of spirituality. By spirituality is meant a perception of Islam that stresses the purification of the self for spiritual achievement. This achievement is usually in the form of special Divine Graces, such as Wilayah or Friendship that is granted by Allah. IN THIS FOREWORD I wish to deal with a matter not explained completely in the collection. The Islam that was brought to South Africa by our forefathers from the 17th century onwards was mainly an Islam based on the teachings of the