Shaykh Yusuf da Costa: Rands for religion
I have not been in this mosque (Bellville South) for a long time. It is quite nice to be back here [2006] with all of you again. In any case, all revealed religions have their origins with Allah Almighty. And so, for example, when we talk about Islam, we say that Islam is a Divine Religion because Allah has sent that religion to us. This means that all the practices of Islam and all its teachings are sacred because of their origin. And so, for example, the Jumu’ah, the taking of wudu’, facing the qiblah, the delivering of the khutbah, all these things are sacred because they come from Allah. Thus, if we say that Islam is sacred then all its practices are sacred. When a thing is sacred, one gives it maximum regard, maximum respect, maximum honour. When anything is sacred, one handles it with great care because