Shaykh Yusuf da Costa: Tafakkur
One of the important teachings of Islam is that when we make our ibadat we must always try our best, as I’ve said on so many occasions, to make it لِلّٰهِ تَعَالٰى (lillahi ta’ala: for the sake of Allah). Because we are human beings and as the Qur’an says we have been created weak, we sometimes do things so that other people can hear us, other people can see us and other people can know what we are doing. They call that riya’ in Islam. There is a hadith (Prophetic Tradition) of Nabi Muhammad (ﷺ) in which he mentions that even if there is an atom weight of riya’ in one’s ibadat, those ibadat are rejected by Allah Almighty. Now this shows that the line between riya’ and ikhlas is very narrow, extremely narrow. One can go from the one state to the other so fast. One might be doing