Books For Sale

Devotions and Practices

A compilation of the major Naqshbandi devotions and practices, most of which had originated from Sayiduna Abu Bakr (r.a) and which are thoroughly grounded in Divine Law.

Price: R100


The word bay’ah, as dealt with in this paper, refers mainly to a pledge one makes to Allah Almighty, usually on the hand of an authorized intensely pious person, with regard to one’s religious commitment to Him, to His Messenger (s.a.w.s.) and His Message.  The pledge is, therefore, a deeply religious action involving the orientation of one’s life totally for Him and for His sake.  It is as if one is saying: “O my Lord, I have decided to redirect and to dedicate my life and all its activities to Thee.” . 

Price: R50

The Interview

“One of the things very few of us are aware of is the fact that people who had come here and were the founders of Islam in Cape Town in South Africa, had come with very special qualities, were in fact very spiritual people, but where did they get their spirituality from?  What did that mean?  And what has that got to do with the new trend we see towards Sufism today? That’s what this interview is covering in speaking with Professor Yusuf da Costa, one of the people who can tell us a great deal about our heritage and more so about the lives of the Awliya.”. 

Price: R40

The Remembrance of Allah Almighty

The Remembrance of Allah Almighty
(Proofs from the Qur’an and the Prophetic Traditions)
THE REMEMBRANCE of Allah or dhikrullah, through litanies from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, as we know them, generates the spiritual energy that permeates our forms of worship and our lives. Without this energy, our prayers degenerate into different forms of ritualistic physical movements and we derive almost no spiritual benefit from them. When these prayers are energized by dhikrullah, they become an intensive form of a Call to Allah. And so, our prayers and our lives become Calls, whether we are in supplication or not. These Calls come from the heart where the remembrance of Allah lodges, and when the Calls are made, the callers are at their most humble. This means that through the remembrance of Allah, we in fact go into spiritual prostration, appealing to our Lord to clear our hearts of everything other than Him. When we talk about these spiritual energies, which are generated by the remembrance of Allah, we are referring to an energy that purifies the human heart for Him, and direct its attention to Him. This is Islam in its purest form – when we are for Him and our direction is to Him. The spiritual energy that is brought with the remembrance of Allah, makes the human heart function totally differently, and it is this change in function that dhikrullah brings about.
[Shaykh Yusuf da Costa, 2017]

Price: R110

Dhikr & Nafl Salahs

This compilation and arrangement of supererogatory ibadat grew out of the lessons that are generally given to my Hajj classes.  These classes are held every year to prepare people to perform Hajj and Umrah.  As part of their spiritual preparation for these undertakings, the classes are given a considerable amount of supererogatory ibadat to start doing at home, and which they continue to do while in the Holy Cities.  It is hoped that the spiritual transformation brought about in them by Allah, the Most High, through the level of performance of their Hajj and Umrah would encourage them to continue with these supererogatory ibadat for the rest of their lives.  It is hoped further that through their obedience to Him by their combination of obligatory and supererogatory ibadat, Allah, the Most High, would grant them a special status by Him.  We also call on Him for all of this, for us as well, amin.

I supplicate to Allah, the Most High, to let the reward of this work be a light for me and for my family Yaum al-Qiyamah, and that it be a means for us to attain to the experience of His Countenance, amin.

I supplicate to Him to let this work be of spiritual benefit to all of us who use it, and that it helps all of us to attain to His Satisfaction, amin.

I supplicate to Him through this work for His Mercy and Forgiveness, and I call on Him to make us of His pious obedient servants, amin.. 

Price: R50

Hajj and Umrah

Although there are many books on Ԩajj and ‘Umrah available on the market, the presentation of this book is unique because it tries to take the pilgrim through the different aspects of the Ԩajj and ‘Umrah in a systematic way.  The book in no way replaces the teacher who is still needed to help prospective pilgrims to understand the processes of the ‘ibãdãt of Ԩajj and ‘Umrah they have to go through.  The book may be used by the teacher as a reference or by those who have already been under a teacher and who need to refresh their knowledge of the ‘ibãdãt. It is, however, going to be extremely difficult to use this book or any other book on the same subject without the guidance of a teacher.

Price: R70


This work is primarily an exposition of the teachings of as-Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Mãliki on certain aspects of Islam over which a blanket of silence has been surreptitiously placed, especially during the last few decades.  Drawing mainly from his work, Mafãhim Yajibu an-Tusaḥḥaḥ {Concepts which need Rectification, 1995), and from a few works by other authors, I have attempted to present certain perspectives that have always been an essential part of the major teachings on Islamic Spirituality.  Regrettably, these teachings, for a variety of historical reasons, have either been totally ignored, distorted or silenced and have left all of us so much poorer and deprived in our understanding and practice of the religion….

This work is an attempt to open the door to the original teachings of Islam, and to try to break the silence that has been imposed on different aspects of the religion.  The work is also part of our remembrance of the visits to South Africa by as-Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Mãliki in the first half of 1997 ad of 2000 – visits, which have not only inspired us to continue along the religious path we have chosen for ourselves, but have also strengthened our resolve to defend our religious heritage.

Price: R80

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