
Official Opening of the new Kasungu (Malawi) Masjid

Alhamdulillah, the official opening of the new Kasungu masjid took place on Saturday 19 September 2020.

Six goats, donated by a generous donor, were sacrificed for the occasion. Over 500 people attended the gathering.

Village headman Chenawuza: “We thank Naqshbandi people for their honesty to fulfil their promises. Today it looks like I am dreaming for having this beautiful complex. For whatever you spent, may Allah reward you all.

Senior GHV Kabamira: “Today is blessed. I am very glad to see a lot of people visiting my village. In my entire life I never seen people like this. I want to thank Naqshbandi for this beautiful complex. May you all be rewarded.”

Shaykh Abdullah from Kasungu: “Firstly I would like to thank chief Chenawuza and Senior GHV Kabamira for providing the land to Naqshbandi to construct Allah’s house. Also I thank Naqshbandi for their effort to construct this beautiful structure in a rural area as people are used to see beautiful masjids only in town, but today alhamdulillah a beautiful development arrived here at Kabamira. We urge you please continue to help us; may Allah grant you all Jannah, ameen.”

The first jumuah was held on Friday 25 September 2020, alhamdulillah.

Shukran again to all our donors.
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